Monday, 10 February 2014

Non-Human Anatomy

These are some of the images that looked at the anatomy of animals considering their bones, fat and muscular structures as see from different angles.
This angle of the sea lion allows us to see both the round curve of the body and the leaner neck and smaller head. The darkening of the underneath combines with the curve of the back to give a sense of the roundness of it and the loose makes used to make the flippers reflect the more agile nature of them.

The perspective on the bat is interesting as while one wing is entirely revealed in shape almost looking down on at it, the other smaller and less shapely due to foreshortening on this image. The contrast of the soft fur of the bat and the leathery wings is reflected in the choice of mark types made by the graphite.
The stage skeleton is a quick pen image that from the angle of looking just slightly up at it gives it a real noble sense. The detail of the knee joints and the impression of the spine and rib cage show the attention t anatomy. Notice the angle of the body looking off to the left and how this angle is reflected in the antlers.

Saturday, 8 February 2014


These three images are from part of a movement study where each has been drawn over the other to create the sense of movement. 
Even amongst the chaos some of the structure of the anatomy can be clearly see. The knees in the folded leg position on image one, the arch of the back and the head leant over and the internal structures of many of the knees and shoulders. The arm and shoulder on the furthest right pose gives the impression of muscular external structures even if not entirely accurate. 

Image two has the figure stretching as the final pose with a foreshortening used on the arms.This figure switches between internal and external structures for the different poses based on what was most prominent and seemed most important to convey each, though some like the final pose show both, particularly notably the spine. 
Image three also shows some good structure, the impression of the muscles on the shoulder on the right; the impression of the gastrocnemial muscles can be seen. Proportionally image three is inaccurate but all three give the impression on movement quite successfully, the dark tone of them makes it more difficult to differentiate between figures, but aesthetically it makes the pieces more interesting

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Human Anatomy: Muscles

For this image I focused on the muscular accuracy and looked at the distinct shapes of each component of the body. An area of interest in this image is the gluteus  as its one of the most visible areas of the body here we see the round shape of it exaggerated by the curve of the lines on the lower back, while itself it is kept fairly clear of lines. The back itself is curved forward as show by the spine, although the thickness of the back is again given away by the curve of the lines across the back. The top leg is foreshortened as it is bent away. The inner crease of the knee as well as the area that shifts between gluteus and leg has been darkened to imply the shape of the muscles. The muscles of the lower leg and the foot are somewhat distorted by the angle of the view point but are still visibly there. Also notice the attention to the foot visible underneath the top leg and see the implied bend in the leg that is out of view. The visible shoulder and arm are also curved to imitate the muscles of the figure.

Human Figure: Pose

These three images were part of a study of pose in the context of human anatomy. All three look at the subject face on but each pose conveys a very different impression. For these pieces careful observation of human anatomy done very quickly and with relative proportions and observation of the body was needed. The bottom left figure shows example of internal structural lines; the angle of the shoulders, the presence of the spinal line as implied by the posture, the lines of the knees all used as simple methods to express the pose. The top figure is a good example of attention to external structure and muscular shape. The shape of the legs and hips are clearly done and the navel positioning showing the angle and shape of the stomach. This figure also shows foreshortening of the arms as they point forward. On the bottom right figure notice the muscles clearly visible in the leg and how both the stomach and the sternum can be identified at this unusual angle also the inclusion of the biceps and the relative proportional accuracy of the figure even in the distorted position.