Saturday, 8 February 2014


These three images are from part of a movement study where each has been drawn over the other to create the sense of movement. 
Even amongst the chaos some of the structure of the anatomy can be clearly see. The knees in the folded leg position on image one, the arch of the back and the head leant over and the internal structures of many of the knees and shoulders. The arm and shoulder on the furthest right pose gives the impression of muscular external structures even if not entirely accurate. 

Image two has the figure stretching as the final pose with a foreshortening used on the arms.This figure switches between internal and external structures for the different poses based on what was most prominent and seemed most important to convey each, though some like the final pose show both, particularly notably the spine. 
Image three also shows some good structure, the impression of the muscles on the shoulder on the right; the impression of the gastrocnemial muscles can be seen. Proportionally image three is inaccurate but all three give the impression on movement quite successfully, the dark tone of them makes it more difficult to differentiate between figures, but aesthetically it makes the pieces more interesting

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